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FastAPI Integration

TensorShare provides built-in integration capabilities with FastAPI, a high-performance web framework for building APIs with Python.

By combining the power of TensorShare's tensor-sharing capabilities with FastAPI's intuitive and robust API development, you can easily set up an efficient server-side endpoint to handle tensor computations.


It's also because not using FastAPI in a project that leverages the best of open-source is a crime. Don't be a criminal.


This module (obviously) needs fastapi to be installed:

pip install tensorshare[server]

The pre-built router

TensorShare provides a pre-built router that you can use to quickly integrate tensor-sharing into any existing FastAPI application.

Importing the router

To import the router, use the following import statement:

from tensorshare import create_tensorshare_router
from tensorshare import create_async_tensorshare_router

Adding it to FastAPI

To add the router to your FastAPI application, add it to the include parameter of the APIRouter constructor:

from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter
from tensorshare import create_tensorshare_router

app = FastAPI()  # Your FastAPI application

ts_router = create_tensorshare_router()
from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter
from tensorshare import create_async_tensorshare_router

app = FastAPI()  # Your FastAPI application

ts_router = create_async_tensorshare_router()

You can add extra prefix or tags parameter to the include_router method to customize the router:

app.include_router(ts_router, prefix="/tensorshare", tags=["tensorshare", "tensors"])

Customize the router

If you want to customize the router, you will have to pass two parameters to the create_tensorshare_router function:

  • server_config: A Python dictionary containing the configuration of the server, just like the one you would pass to the TensorShareServer constructor.
  • custom_operation: The custom computation operation to use for the /receive_tensor endpoint. You will learn more about this in the Customizing the computation operation section.
from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter
from tensorshare import create_tensorshare_router

app = FastAPI()  # Your FastAPI application

server_config = {"url": "http://localhost:8000"}

ts_router = create_tensorshare_router(server_config=server_config)
from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter
from tensorshare import create_async_tensorshare_router

app = FastAPI()  # Your FastAPI application

server_config = {"url": "http://localhost:8000"}

ts_router = create_async_tensorshare_router(server_config=server_config)

The ping endpoint

The router comes with a built-in ping endpoint that you can use to check if the server is up and running.

def ping() -> DefaultResponse:
    """Synchronous endpoint to check if the server is up."""
    return DefaultResponse(message="The TensorShare router is up and running!")
def receive_tensor(
    shared_tensor: TensorShare,
    operation: Callable = Depends(get_computation_operation),
) -> Any:
    """Synchronous endpoint to handle tensors reception and computation."""
    result = operation(shared_tensor)

    return result

Nothing is too fancy here, just a simple endpoint that returns a DefaultResponse object with a message.

The will be the path defined in the TensorShareServer configuration object you provided when creating the router.

The receive_tensor endpoint

The router also comes with a built-in receive_tensor endpoint that you can use to receive a tensor from a client.
def receive_tensor(
    shared_tensor: TensorShare,
    operation: Callable = Depends(get_computation_operation),
) -> Any:
    """Synchronous endpoint to handle tensors reception and computation."""
    result = operation(shared_tensor)

    return result
async def receive_tensor(
    shared_tensor: TensorShare,
    operation: Callable[[TensorShare], Awaitable[Any]] = Depends(
) -> Any:
    """Asynchronous endpoint to handle tensors reception and computation."""
    result = await operation(shared_tensor)

    return result

Like the ping endpoint, the endpoint path will be defined in the TensorShareServer configuration object.

Customizing the computation operation

As you can see, there is an operation parameter that is a Callable object. This parameter is a dependency that will be resolved by the get_computation_operation function.

It allows you to easily customize the computation operation that will be applied to the received tensor simply by providing a custom Callable object during the router creation (See Customize the router).

Here is the behavior of the get_computation_operation function:

target_operation: Callable = custom_operation or default_compute_operation

def get_computation_operation() -> Callable:
    """Dependency that returns the currently set computation function."""
    return target_operation

By default the target_operation variable is set to the default_compute_operation function, which is defined as follows:

def default_compute_operation(tensors: TensorShare) -> DefaultResponse:
    """Default action to perform when receiving a TensorShare object."""
    return DefaultResponse(message="Success!")
target_operation: Callable[[TensorShare], Awaitable[Any]] = (
    custom_operation or default_async_compute_operation

def get_computation_operation() -> Callable[[TensorShare], Awaitable[Any]]:
    """Dependency that returns the currently set async computation function."""
    return target_operation

By default the target_operation variable is set to the default_async_compute_operation function, which is defined as follows:

async def default_async_compute_operation(tensors: TensorShare) -> DefaultResponse:
    """Default asynchronous action to perform when receiving a TensorShare object."""
    return DefaultResponse(message="Success!")

Here is an example of a custom computation operation you could provide if you wanted to convert the received tensor to a torch.Tensor and return it as a list of lists of floats:

class GoBrrBrr(BaseModel):
    """The new response_model to use for the router."""

    predictions: List[List[float]]  # List of predictions converted to list of floats

def compute_go_brr_brr(tensors: TensorShare) -> Dict[str, List[float]]:
    """New computation operation to run inference on the received tensor."""
    torch_tensors: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = tensors.to_tensors(backend="torch")

    inference_result: List[List[float]] = []
    for _, v in torch_tensors.items():
        y_hat = ml_pred(v)

    return {"predictions": inference_result}


This is an elementary example, but you can do more complex things with this. You can run async functions or even run a whole pipeline of operations.

Now during the router creation, you can pass the compute_go_brr_brr function to the custom_operation parameter and update the response_model parameter to match the GoBrrBrr model:

from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter
from tensorshare import create_tensorshare_router

class GoBrrBrr(BaseModel):
    """The new response_model to use for the router."""

    predictions: List[List[float]]  # List of predictions converted to list of floats

def compute_go_brr_brr(tensors: TensorShare) -> Dict[str, List[float]]:
    """New computation operation to run inference on the received tensor."""
    torch_tensors: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = tensors.to_tensors(backend="torch")

    inference_result: List[List[float]] = []
    for _, v in torch_tensors.items():
        y_hat = ml_pred(v)

    return {"predictions": inference_result}

app = FastAPI()  # Your FastAPI application

server_config = {"url": "http://localhost:8000", "response_model": GoBrrBrr}

ts_router = create_tensorshare_router(
import asyncio

from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter
from tensorshare import create_async_tensorshare_router

class GoBrrBrr(BaseModel):
    """The new response_model to use for the router."""

    predictions: List[List[float]]  # List of pridctions converted to list of floats

async def compute_go_brr_brr(tensors: TensorShare) -> Dict[str, List[float]]:
    """New computation operation to run inference on the received tensor."""
    torch_tensors: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = tensors.to_tensors(backend="torch")

    inference_result: List[List[float]] = []
    for _, v in torch_tensors.items():
        y_hat = await asyncio.run_in_executor(
            None, ml_pred, v
        )  # Let's say ml_pred is a synchronous inference function

    return {"predictions": inference_result}

app = FastAPI()  # Your FastAPI application

server_config = {"url": "http://localhost:8000", "response_model": GoBrrBrr}

ts_router = create_async_tensorshare_router(

And voilà! 🎉

You now have a fully functional FastAPI application that can receive tensors from clients, run custom operations on them and return the result.

What a breeze! 😎

Last update: 2023-08-20
Created: 2023-08-20